March Plan
Warm Up: for all the workouts please allow yourself 6 minutes to warm up!
Watch the video here for your warm Up
Every month, at the end of the month, you will complete the AT-HOME Assessment. This is assessment is to challenge you. For this workout, it is known as a CHIPPER, meaning you have to “chip” away at all 100 before moving on to 90, then 80, and so on! So you will want to ROCK out, in AWESOME form, all your squats, then tackle the sit-ups and so on! YES you can!
Every month your goals will change;
- at first your goal should be to complete the workout
- once you can successfully complete the entire workout in the time allowed, your next goal is to complete it without any modifications (push-ups)
- once you can successfully complete the entire workout without modifications in the time allowed, your next goal is to use weight OR add heavier weight
For this workout, get your weights and water ready, press START and GET IT!!!!!!!
80 LUNGES (alternating, 90 per side)
+ LEGS (1)
30/20= 30 seconds on of work/20 seconds rest
40/20= 40 seconds on of work/20 seconds rest
For the leg workout, after you complete one full set of all four exercises from SET #1, you keep going and repeat it for another 3 sets! Your “rest” is the 20 seconds of After you have successfully complete all 4 sets from SET #1, you THEN will go on and tackle SET #2!
When you start the AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible), REMEMBER, you are going at the HIGHEST intensity YOU can do! Go hard! It’s your LAST 5 minutes!!!!!!!!
For the 30/20 I want you using your heavier weights (rep range 8-12)
For the 40/20 I want you using your lighter weights (rep range 12-18)
SET #1
30/20: 4x
SET #2
40/20: 4x
5 minute AMRAP
+ LEGS (2)
30/20= 30 seconds on of work/20 seconds rest
40/20= 40 seconds on of work/20 seconds rest
For the leg workout, after you complete one full set of all four exercises from SET #1, you keep going and repeat it for another 3 sets! Your “rest” is the 20 seconds of After you have successfully complete all 4 sets from SET #1, you THEN will go on and tackle SET #2! Set #2 you are doing each move for 1 minute, continuous reps (NO REST) until you have completed the full round!
REMEMBER, you are going at the HIGHEST intensity YOU can do on SET #2! Go hard! It’s your LAST 9 minutes!!!!!!!!
- For the 30/20 I want you using your heavier weights (rep range 8-12)
SET #1
30/20: 5x
SET #2
- 1 minute Sumo Squats
- 1 minute Wall-Sit
- 1 minute Burpee Hop Over
- 30 seconds REST
30/20= 30 seconds on of work/20 seconds rest
40/20= 40 seconds on of work/20 seconds rest
For the leg workout, after you complete one full set of all four exercises from SET #1, you keep going and repeat it for another 3 sets! Your “rest” is the 20 seconds of After you have successfully complete all 4 sets from SET #1, you THEN will go on and tackle SET #2!
When you start the AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible), REMEMBER, you are going at the HIGHEST intensity YOU can do! Go hard! It’s your LAST 5 minutes!!!!!!!!
- For the 30/20 I want you using your heavier weights (rep range 8-12)
- For the 40/20 I want you using your lighter weights (rep range 12-18)
SET #1
30/20: 4x
SET #2
40/20: 4x
On this AMRAP, you are doing 15 Sumo Squats + Upright Rows, then 10 Single Arm Swings on the Right AND then 10 Single Arm Swings on the Left, then 5 Blast off Push-Ups (If you are not at that level, modify the push-up)
6 min AMRAP
- 15 Sumo Squat + Upright Row
- 10 (R/L) DB Single Arm Swing
- 5 Blast Off Push-Ups
30/20= 30 seconds on of work/20 seconds rest
40/20= 40 seconds on of work/20 seconds rest
For the leg workout, after you complete one full set of all four exercises from SET #1, you keep going and repeat it for another 3 sets! Your “rest” is the 20 seconds of After you have successfully complete all 4 sets from SET #1, you THEN will go on and tackle SET #2!
When you start the AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible), REMEMBER, you are going at the HIGHEST intensity YOU can do! Go hard! It’s your LAST 5 minutes!!!!!!!!
- For the 30/20 I want you using your heavier weights (rep range 8-12)
- For the 40/20 I want you using your lighter weights (rep range 12-18)
SET #1
30/20: 4x
SET #2
40/20: 4x
On this AMRAP, the Bicep Curl portion is considered your “active rest” so after you complete 15 plank hop thrus, get up RIGHT AWAY and rock out those curls which will also bring your heart rate down, ready to start over refreshed for another round!
5 min AMRAP
- 20 Oblique Twist
- 15 Plank Hop Thrus
- 10 Bicep Curls
40/20= 40 seconds on of work/20 seconds rest
For the Total Body Circuit 1; get your weights set up and ready to ROCK! Remember, if you are just starting out, feel free to still rock the move with no weight, and then as you become stronger add the weights. For these total body circuits, I want you shooting for HIGH REPS at each station! Your rep range that you are shooting for is 12-18! YES YOU CAN!
40/20: 5 Rounds
- DB Deadlifts
- Burpee + Press
- Oblique Twists
- Goblet Squat
- Hand Release Push-Ups
- DB Step-Ups
- Straight Arm Sit-Ups
- DB Back Rows
40/20= 40 seconds on of work/20 seconds rest
For the Total Body Circuit 2; get your weights set up and ready to ROCK! Remember, if you are just starting out, feel free to still rock the move with no weight, and then as you become stronger add the weights. For these total body circuits, I want you shooting for HIGH REPS at each station! Your rep range that you are shooting for is 12-18! When you click on the video for the DB Clean and Press, on this circuit for one set of 40 seconds you are doing just the right side, then the other 40 seconds you are doing the left side! Same goes for the Lunge + Press! YOU ARE WORTH IT!
40/20: 5 Rounds
- (right arm) DB Clean and Press
- (left arm) DB Clean and Press
- Butterfly Sit-Ups
- (right leg) Lunge + Press
- (left leg) Lunge + Press
- Mountain Climbers
- Jump Squats
- DB Back Rows
+ AMRAP (1)
For the AMRAP workouts, remember you are doing as many rounds as possible WITH perfect form! If you start to feel your form slack and you’re not staying tight, chill out for 15-20 seconds, then get back on! I want you getting in your rounds BUT also without proper form, the movement is useless.
18 minute AMRAP
- 20 Reverse Lunges + Press (alt. 10/side)
- 15 Sumo Squat + Upright Row
- 10 Butterfly Sit-Ups
- 5 Blast Off Push-Up’s
REST FOR 2 MINUTES (and get set up for next AMRAP)
- 10 minute AMRAP
- 20 DB Thrusters
- 10 R- DB Snatch
- 10 L- DB Snatch
- 20 Tricep Dips
+ AMRAP (2)
For this AMRAP, you are starting with 75 Squats, then 75 Butterfly Sit-ups… After you have completed them in whatever way you want (you might want to do 10 reps of each exercise until you reach 75, your choice), then you go on to the 50 Lunge + Press and so on!
If you start to feel your form slack and you’re not staying tight, chill out for 15-20 seconds, then get back on! I want you getting in your rounds BUT also without proper form, the movement is useless.
Complete in order
- 75 Squats
- 50 Lunge + Press (R & L)
- 25 DB Thrusters
- 75 Butterfly Sit-ups
- 50 Oblique Twists
- 25 Straight Arm Sit-Ups
For Time: Time yourself! See how long it takes you to complete this! *
*50 Burpees
40/20= 40 seconds on of work/20 seconds rest
For the Plyo/Core/Cardio workout below you need NO WEIGHTS! Yippeee! Now remember this is HIGH INTENSITY training, mean we are bringing your heart rate HIGH for a period, then bringing it down! We are making your heart WORK for it! So keep in mind on the moves like jump squats, plank hop thrus, jump lunges, mountain climbers, and burpee hop overs you will be SPIKING that heart rate (it’s a good thing) because you have moves to compliment it that will bring it down as an active rest! Enjoy!!!!
40/20: 5 Rounds
- Jump Squats
- (right side) Plank Hip Drop
- Plank Hop Thrus
- (left side) Plank Hip Drop
- Jump Lunges
- Mountain Climbers
- Oblique Twists
- Burpee Hop Overs
- REST for ONE full round of 60 seconds
+ No Equipment, No Excuse!
This workout is FANTASTIC if you are traveling for work or vacation and are not able to pack one more thing in your suitcase! This workout is using ONLY your body weight!
You are going as HARD and FAST as possible within those 40 seconds, you are getting 20 seconds of rest to complement each exercise!
NOTE: On the Lunges, whatever feels best, complete standing forward lunges or reverse lunges!
On the tricep dips, start with your legs STRAIGHT and as your muscles fatigue, bend your knees
40/20: 3 Rounds (no extra rounds for rest)
- Burpee
- Wall-Sit
- Hand Release Push-Ups
- Tricep Dips
- Alternating Reverse or Forward Lunges
- Butterfly Sit-Ups
- Blast Off Push-Ups
- R- Side Plank Hip Drop
- Squat
- Burpee Hop Over
- L-Side Plank Hip Drop